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   High Star Creations  

    Native American Made Products  


  Ira L. Walks 

Crow Breastplate

Dream Catcher

It was a privilege to have my photo chosen for the 2019 Issue of the Pow Wow Calendar. 
Photographer Chris Roberts shares our traditions through compelling images of Native American Dancers and shares their stories. 


Prayer Feather

Beaded Bolo Tie

 We also make Native American  Ragalia! Please email us in the  



Grandson's Ragalia



Deer Horns with Dream Catcher

Deer Horns with Dream Catcher

Mens Beaded Mocassins

High Star Creations/2002

Pocatello Idaho/208/240/3416

ALL Products shipped USPS Priority/If shipped different Please email order through

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy. Therefore we never share or sell your personal information with any third parties. Any information collected through this site is intended to be used for this transaction only.


All items must meet your approval or purchase price (less postage) will be refunded.

  • Return the item(s) in original condition within 15 days.

  • Returns must include a copy of your invoice and a statement of your desire for a prompt refund, credit or replacement

  • Email all return requests to

 Free shipping on over $100 orders!!

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